2020 has been a challenging year to say the least. Here is arthouse.nyc final exhibition of 2020, What is Your Hindsight 2020 featuring the experiences, perspective and art of our art collective and community from the past year.

Featuring the work of:

Cecilia Anastos

Chalda Maloff

Cherie M. Redlinger

Danny Johananoff

Elaine Langerman

Elizabeth Stewart

Georgia Argyropoulos

Grady Zeeman

Gustavs Filipsons

Hedith Perdomo

Herbert Hermans

HowardArthur Tweedie

Ingrid V. Wells

Irene Uribe

Jessica Alazraki

John Buonani

Julie Turner

Larry Sachs

Linda Lowery

Linda Riseley

Lyza Sahertian plus 2

Marg Navratil

Marina Koraki

Pirjo Sievänen

Richard Resnick

Robert Markey

Varoujan Froundjian


Victoria General

Wendy Cohen

Yanina de Martino

Yoko The Ballpoint Illustrator

More info: curator@arthouse.nyc